A Gartner study found that gender-diverse and inclusive teams outperformed their less inclusive counterparts by 50%.
The business world is becoming increasingly saturated, and in day to day operations it can be challenging to see the forest for all the (FIG) trees.
Business leaders are more concerned than ever before about the future. It has caused an increase in fear of a “leaving money on the table” mentality, and organizations have resorted to becoming the corporate jacks of all trades. By doing so, you can easily lose sight of what you do and do well, in addition to where your growth opportunities lie.
One opportunity, in particular, is the diverse customer experience. For decades brands have been speaking at this customer and are realizing it’s time to talk to them. Using our FIG (finesse, interruption, and growth) process, we can help you seize this opportunity, close the gap on diversity, position yourself as an industry leader and form a solid connection with an audience in need of attention.
By analyzing areas such as diversity messaging, strengths, weaknesses, core competencies, competitive advantage, current portfolio, and industry gaps, we help our partners visualize and implement strategic processes that increase organizational efficiency and strengthen market position, leading to higher profits and a positive brand perception.
When examining your core competencies and growth opportunities, are you utilizing insights, consumer feedback, and diverse experiences to determine what market gaps you can fulfill? Schedule a free consultation with one of our DEI specialists. Call 1-800-834-4946 or click here.